Int Ch, Am GCh Doerun's Fur Elise d'Allure CD RN PT RATN FDC CGC
We needed new "blood" and after much research contacted Tina Bayer of Doe Run in NH for a bitch puppy. She had a litter due and we asked for our pick of the bitch puppies. Kayla flew east and picked the thoughtful puppy who watched everything. She was the one Tina had also picked. Liese is a thinker, but she is also pushy and opinionated…and we love her. She fit perfectly with our plans.
Whelped April 19, 2014
CHIC#: 123447
Hips: BSD-4343G30F-VPI, Elbow: left grade II (see explanation below)
Eyes: BSD-Eyes386/31F-VPI; 67F-VPI
Liese's grade II elbow resulted from an injury at about 5 months when she repeatedly jumped off a 6-foot "cliff", having a great time. She did not limp afterwards, never has, and we thought no more of it until the x-ray results came back. We had the elbow re-x-rayed a year later and there was no change. We were told that the tiny blemish is due to an injury. OFA makes no distinction as to results. We have the x-rays for anyone who cares to see them.
Liese is the dam of three litters:
Quest was the sire of the "Spirit" litter whelped on Dec. 7, 2017.
The second litter was Trust's and her idea, named the "Fire" litter and whelped on July 4, 2018.
The third litter, named "Music", was sired by Shane via his frozen semen and whelped on Nov. 30, 2020. Freja, Loki, and Greta were the pups from each litter who stayed.